my vidya guru

my vidya guru

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Q) What is the concept of naama smarana?

1)Q) What is the concept of naama smarana?
A) In kaliyuga the naamasmarana of sri naarayana is alone enough to achieve Saalvation, but Sri Bhagavata seems to gives a counter statement as such, unwillingly or involuntarily if we recite the All-Mighty's divine names, such a recitation or naamasmarana will bring salvation to us.
आपन्नः संस्मृतीं घोरां यन्नाम विवशो गृणन् ।
ततः सद्यो विमुच्येत यं बिभेति स्वयं भवः ।। (भागवतम्)
the above sloka seems to explain that a person who is blocked in the world which is full of sorrow and distress can free himself by reciting unvoluntarily the All-Mighty's name. But we should think that the above explanation really suits Bhagavata dharma, which says without bhakti the God will not please.

Then what is the inner meaning of the above sloka, for the answer we have to refer Sri Bhagavata tatparya of Sri Madhwacharya.

1st step- Madhwacharya explains the above sloka as follows, the naama smarana which is a great penance in kaliyuga is a process of 3 step practice, first is “kaayika abhyasa” means the physical practice of reciting the All-Mighty's divine names which is acquired by vishnu and vaishnava seva (guru shushrusha), physical service to the Guru or master or guide to philosophical thoughts.

2-step- After attaining success in the first step, we the saadhakas will be promoted to second step which is “vaachika abhyaasa” this have a process of vocal practice of the All-Mighty's divine names which is acquired by regular listening to the upadesha of the Guru (paatha-pravachana) regular listening and reading the philosophical discourses or teachings of the Master.

3-step- After attaining success in the second step, the saadhaka will be promoted to the third step which is “maanasika abhyaasa” which is a continous smarana of the All-Mighty's divine name with the background of acquired knoweldge through guru seva, arthaanusandhaana poorvaka hari naamasmarana. The recitation of the All-Mighty's divine name with the knowledge of inner meaning this leads to vivashatva (विवशत्व) means the total detachment of the senses with the outer materialistic world. Without any control of the outer senses on our mind and thoughts.
The regular naamasmarana which is the esteemed source of salvation includes the above three step, there is no other go other than the above 3 step naamasmarana -madhwacharya.
शारीराद्वाचिकाभ्यासो वाचिकान्मानसो भवेत् ।
मानसाद्विवशान्मुच्येन्नान्यथा मुक्तिरिष्यत ।।

नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
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