A) Here abhimani is referred as eligibility of claiming the ownership or the one under whom our body will be controlled.
as per bhagavata chaturmkha brahma is the first who is made eligible of claiming ownership or abimani or controller of our body and senses, second claimer of our body and senses is ourself, third and the least claimer or abhimani of our body is kali.
जीवाभिमानिनश्चैव त्रिविधा सम्प्रकीर्तिताः ।
जीवमान्यूत्तमो ब्रह्मा मध्यमः स्वयमेव तु ।
अधमः कलिरुद्दिष्टस्तत्र चोत्तमनीचयोः ।। (भागवतं)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-7396765108 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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you can see my prashnottara on uttaradimatham's official website uttaradimath.org in the category adhyatma jignyasa
as per bhagavata chaturmkha brahma is the first who is made eligible of claiming ownership or abimani or controller of our body and senses, second claimer of our body and senses is ourself, third and the least claimer or abhimani of our body is kali.
जीवाभिमानिनश्चैव त्रिविधा सम्प्रकीर्तिताः ।
जीवमान्यूत्तमो ब्रह्मा मध्यमः स्वयमेव तु ।
अधमः कलिरुद्दिष्टस्तत्र चोत्तमनीचयोः ।। (भागवतं)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-7396765108 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
to join my sms channel send sms as [ON] space [NARASIMHACHARYASULIBHAVI] to mobile number 9870807070
or http://labs.google.co.in/smschannels/subscribe/narasimhacharyasulibhavi go to this link online
you can see my prashnottara on uttaradimatham's official website uttaradimath.org in the category adhyatma jignyasa