A) A person who worships sri hari only in idols doesn't know the omni pervaded form of sri hari, and doesn't know the distinct behaviour towards the foes of sri hari, who doesn't know the gradation and worship of other bhaktas of sri hari is known as adhama bhagavata.
अर्चायामेव हरये पूजां यः श्रद्धयेते ।
न तद्भक्तेषु चान्येषु स भक्तः प्राकृतःस्मृतः ।। (भागवतम्)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-7396765108 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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अर्चायामेव हरये पूजां यः श्रद्धयेते ।
न तद्भक्तेषु चान्येषु स भक्तः प्राकृतःस्मृतः ।। (भागवतम्)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-7396765108 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
to join my sms channel send sms as [ON] space [NARASIMHACHARYASULIBHAVI] to mobile number 9870807070
or http://labs.google.co.in/smschannels/subscribe/narasimhacharyasulibhavi go to this link online
you can see my prashnottara on uttaradimatham's official website uttaradimath.org in the category adhyatma jignyasaf