my vidya guru

my vidya guru

Friday, May 27, 2011

whqat are the trouble which we can avoid by applying gopichandanam?

A) Lord Shiva explains to his son skanda that the person who apply's gopichandana naama dharana on fore head won't be troubled by devils, demons,bhuta naayakas,snakes and yakshas, as per the orders of lord shiva.
ग्रहा न पीड्यन्ति न रक्षसां गणाः
   यक्षः पिशाचोरगभूतनायकाः ।
ललाट पट्टे सुत गौपिचंदनं
   संतिष्ठते यस्य मम प्रभावात् ।। (स्कन्द पुराणं)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

gopichandan urdhwa naamam is it ordered for smaartha brahmin also?

A) As gopichandana urdhwa naamam is ordered for madhwas(vaishnavas), it is also ordered for smaartha brahmins. first smaartha brahmins or shiva devotees should apply gopichandan urdhwa naamam later they can apply bhasma tripundra naamam.
शैवस्तु ऊर्ध्व पुंड्र धारणानंतरमेव भस्मना त्रिपुण्ड्र धारणमपि कार्यम् । यतो द्विजानामूर्ध्व पुण्ड्रस्य अवश्यकत्वम् ।। (दिनत्रय मीमांसा)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

what is the importance of gopichandanam and tulasi in shraadham?

If we don't use gopichandanam and tulasi during shraaddham the whole karma will be of no use, totally waste. so, compulsorily we have to use gopichandanam and tulasi in shraddham. If we don't apply gopichandanam urdhwa naamam in shraadham it will also be a waste, so apply gopichandanam urdhwa naamam and do all the good deeds.
ऊर्ध्वपुंड्रं च तुलसीं श्राद्धे नेच्चन्ति केचन ।
वृथा श्राद्धं परित्याज्यः तस्मात् श्रेयोर्थिभिः द्विजैः ।। (नारद पुराणं)

नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

when we apply gopichandanam urdwha naaman and also apply kunkumam or akshatam it is treated as which divine abode?

A) when we apply gopichandanam urdhwa naamam and apply kunkumam or akshatam by slitting in the middle, from then onwards the urdhwa naamam along will kunkumam will be filled with sri lakshmi narayana's abode. gopichandanam means lord naarayana's abode, kunkumam means goddess lakshmi's abode.

note: if we don't slit the urdhwa gopichandana naamam the presence of goddess lakshmi and lord narayana will be vanished. Hence compulsorily we have to slit the urdhwa namam which is applied on the fore head.
ऊर्ध्व पुण्ड्रस्य मध्ये तु ललाटे सुमनोहरे ।
लक्ष्म्या सह समासीनो रमते तत्र वै हरिः ।। (वृद्ध हारीत स्मृति)
निरंतरालं यः कुर्यात् ऊर्ध्वपुण्ड्रं द्विजधम ।

स हि तत्र विष्णुं श्रियं चैव व्यपोहति ।। (वृद्ध हारीत स्मृति)

नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

why should we apply gopichanda urdhwa naamam by seeing the mirror

A)by seeing the mirror & applying gopichandanam urdhwa naamam on fore head brings us uttam gati (divine worlds) quoted in skanda puanam.
वीक्ष्यादर्शे जले वाऽथ यो विदध्यात् प्रयत्नतः ।
ऊर्ध्वपुंड्रं महाभाग स याति परमां गतिम् ।। (स्कन्दपुराणम्)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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you can see my prashnottara on uttaradimatham's official website in the category adhyatma jignyasa

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Q)what happens when we apply or prepare gandham (sandal paste)  for our selves without dedicating it to All-Mighty Sri hari?
A) If we apply or prepare sandal paste for ourselves without dedicating it to All-Mighty Sri hari, such sin would end is destroying our wealth, even if we possess lord indra's wealth it would also get destroyed. thus prepare gandham for dedicating to sri hari, later we can apply as the nirmalya of sri hari.
स्वहस्त लिखितं स्तोत्रं स्वयं घृष्टं च चंदनम् ।
स्वयं च ग्रथिता माला शक्रस्यापि श्रियं हरेत् ।। (वीरमित्रोदया)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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you can see my prashnottara on uttaradimatham's official website in the category adhyatma jignyasa

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

what are the where abouts of gopichandanam?

A) Actually the gopichandanam mountains which we see at dwaraka were basically brought from vaikuntham's pond, it was actually known as "Vishnu chandanam", for the purpose of Gopika strees Lord Narayana brought the "vishnu chandanam" from vaikuntham which was applied by Brahma and other devatas.Here at dwaraka Gopikas were used to apply this vishnu chandanam to lord krishna and later used to remove it the other day thus the formation of gopichandanam mountains at dwaraka.

वैकुंठस्थ हृदात् एतत् चन्दनम् स्थापितं मया ।
गोपस्त्रीणां च भोगार्थं यदाहृत्य च तत्पुनः ।। (वासुदेव उपनिषत्)

नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

why should we not apply slant(tiryak) tilakam?

tiryak naamam (slant tilakam) indicates that the person who apply slant tilakam will acquire slant lokams means  worlds which are down trodden. so purposefully avoid slant or tiryak naamam.
तिर्यक् पुंड्रात् गतिः तिर्यक् ऊर्ध्वपुंड्रात्तथोत्तरा ।
पुंड्रो हि ध्रियते नित्यं ब्रह्मनाड्यनुसारतः ।। (सन्यास पद्धति)

नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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you can see my prashnottara on uttaradimatham's official website in the category adhyatma jignyasa

Saturday, May 7, 2011

what is the speciality of urdhwa pundra dhaaranam?

A) A human who applies gopichandana urdhwa pundram (ERECT NAMAM) indicates that he will undoubtedly acquire upper divine worlds. The urdha naamam should be according to brahma nadi's position on the head.
ऊर्ध्वगत्यां तु यय्येच्छा तस्यॊर्ध्वं पुंड्रमुच्ते ।
ऊर्ध्वगत्यां तु देवत्वं स प्राप्नोति न संशयः ।। (वाधूल स्मृति)
पुंड्रोहि ध्रीयते नित्यं ब्रह्मनाड्यनुसारतः ।

नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

what are known as nava vidha bhakti?

A) 1)applying shankha chakra mudras along with gopichandanam 2)remembrance of sri hari 3)singing the glories of lord narayana 4)intake of his paadambu means tirtham 5)bowing to his lotus feet 6)intake of his naivedyam 7)EKADASHI FASTING 8)worshipping (pooja of) lord narayana 9) worshipping all the bhaktas from lakshmi to normal bhaktas according to their gradation (taaratamya) in scriptures these are the nava vidha bhaktis which we should render to sri hari the All-mighty.
शङ्खचक्र ऊर्ध्वपुंड्रादि धारणं स्मरणं हरेः ।
तन्नामकीर्तनं चैव तत्पादाम्बु निषेवणम् ।।
तत्पादवंदनं चैव तन्निवेदित भोजनम् ।
एकादशि उपवासश्च तस्यैवाभ्यर्चनं हरेः ।।
तदीयानां अर्चनं च भक्तिर्नवविधा स्मृता ।। 
ऎतैर्नवविधैः युक्तो वैष्णवः प्रोच्यते बधैः ।। (वृद्ध हारित स्मृति)

नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

importance of vishnu deeksha

when a married woman possesses Mangala sutram she is treated as pious, auspicious and fortunate with a pati saviour, in the same way a person who accepts vishnu deeksha is also treated as pious, auspicious and fortunate with a saviour known as sri hari. hence how a mangal sutra is important for a married woman in the same way vishnu deeksha is also very important for a human.
पत्युः चिह्नं यथा नारी कंठसूत्रं बिभर्ति हि ।
सनाथा सुभगा तेन पूतगात्रा च जायते ।
अन्यथा च अपवित्रांगी दीक्षाहीनः तथा नरः ।। (विष्णु रहस्य)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

who is known as sapaatra means relevant for giving daanams?

A) A human who has accepted vishnu deekhsa he should be treated as sapaatra relevant for all types of daanams even dravya daanam(money), what ever daanam is given to vishnu bhakta becomes akshaya. In other words who has not accepted vishnu deeksha he is not a sapaatra, he should not be given even a single piece of grain or single drop of water.
पात्रं हि परमं प्रॊक्तं हव्यकव्यादिके सदा ।
यस्य स्याद्वैष्णवी दीक्षा दत्तं भवति चाक्षयम् ।। (विष्णु रहस्य)
 नावैष्णवाय दातव्यं नोदबिन्दुंं न तण्डुलम् ।
चक्रांकिताय दातव्यं हव्यं कव्यं द्विजातये ।। (कृष्णामृत महार्णवं)

नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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Monday, May 2, 2011


ऊर्ध्वपुंड्रं तु सर्वेषां न निषिद्धं तु कदाचन ।
धारयेत् क्षत्रियाद्योऽपि विष्णुभक्तो भवेद्यदि ।। (पद्मपुराणं)
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://
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