Until the hills and rivers exist ramayana will exist. Hills and rivers are must for our existence, rain harvesting is most depended on hills and rivers. Hills and rivers help the formation of clouds for rains. If rains are there humans will have food and water so for all the humans to have food ramayana should be listened, the more we listen ramayana the more fields get harvested. so every human will have plenty food. But one thing we have to think what is the relation between Holy puranas listening and happy-ness in our country. Bhagavata says the power of Godly topics means bhagavat mahima varnanam or shravanam means listening of holy lectures cleans three people 1.the listener, 2.the preacher, 3.the person who intimates about the holy event of Purana shravanam. So listening to bhagavt katha mahima cleans our sins like holy ganges water if we are cleaned by our sins we won't have dukham means sorrow and have huge happy-ness.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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my vidya guru
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
how many days will ramayana exist?
regarding the existence of ramayana katha what did Lord Brahma told to valmiki rushi? how many days will the humans hear to ramakatha?can ramayana make its relevance and existence in the furious kali yuga? will people think of rama in kaliyuga?
if u know the answer mail me to acharyanarasimha108@gmail.com
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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if u know the answer mail me to acharyanarasimha108@gmail.com
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
ramayana have 24000 slokams
the total number of slokams in valmiki ramayanam is 24000, so think over it, many think ramayanam is a known story, "there was dasharatha he had 4 sons eldest is rama his wife sita was abducted by ravana rama built setu and went to lanka ravana was killed". if ramayanam can be explained in few sentences there was no need of writing 24000 slokams but valmiki rushi wrote these number of slokas It means ramayana is not just a story which can be explained in few sentences like above it is much more with many tatvams so try to listen ramayanam's all the 24000 slokams, don't take it in easy way.
KUSH LAVA were selected to preach ramayanam. Kusha and lava are indr and agni's avataram.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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KUSH LAVA were selected to preach ramayanam. Kusha and lava are indr and agni's avataram.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
what was the total number of slokas written by valmiki rushi in ramayanam, who were selected to preach Ramayanam ?
think over this , tomarrow answer will be posted
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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think over this , tomarrow answer will be posted
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Monday, October 25, 2010
lord brahma's boon helped valmiki to knoe ramayana
Lord brahma gave boon to Valmiki rushi to knew the events related to ramayanam which happened away from him. आलोचने सर्व विषयक ज्ञानं lord brahma and lord mukhya prana have a capacity of knowing every thing by just thinking, but even though they can't know all the gunas of sri hari. with the grace of brahma valmiki rushi knew the events related to Lord Rama.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
how did valmiki knew the incidents related to ramayanam which happened away from valmiki rushi
valmiki wrote ramayanam included elaborated topics etc., but for some incidents like kishkinda kanda and other kaandas which happened away from valmiki rushi, how did he know the incidents while he was in his ashram?
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Saturday, October 23, 2010
in yesterday's post what does abhishekam mean in ramayanam
Normal snaanam gives us much punyam when is thought in a special way. Generally while doing snanam it is called as abhishekam for our bimba murti along with 36000 rupams in sun. while doing snaanam we have to say purushasukta, dwadasha vasudeva mantra,vishnu shadakshara mantra,and narayana ashtakshara mantra. Along to this we should think Sri narayanas sannidhana in all waters योसौ सर्वगतौ विष्णुः चित् स्वरूपि निरञ्जनः । स एव द्रव रूपेण गङ्गाम्भो नात्र संशयः ।। if bathing is done in such a way it gives us plenty of punyam.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Friday, October 22, 2010
an incident which was tuned to the begining of Ramayanam
when valmiki rushi went to do abhishekam at tamasa river he saw a hunter killing male bird, the lady bird cried rigourously,by seeing the incident, spontaneously few sentences came out through valmiki which were having the qualities of a slokam with equally divided pada vibhaga and equal letters.Later valmiki thought about the sentence and felt the words which came out in unhappy mood should not be wasted and thought of writing ramayanam.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Thursday, October 21, 2010
what was the incident which took place at tamasa river which initiated valmiki rushi to write ramayanam? today's question
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
it is TAMASA river which resembled a clear and clean sajjana's heart with out any bad views or thoughts the tamasa river was clean without dirt and mud, a dirty river doesn't welcome us in the same way ignorance ,jealousy and other bad things in our heart doesn't welcome the ALL MIGHTY. try to have a clean and clear heart.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
name the river where sri valmiki got prerana to write ramayanam?
which is river where valmiki met with an incident which resulted in writing ramayanam? today's question if u know the answer mail the answer to acharyanarasimha108@gmail.com. or wait for the tomarrow's post.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Monday, October 18, 2010
whom the devatas fear, it is sri rama
when sri rama gets angry means prateepbuddhi, becoming against the person even brahma rudra and all other devatas can't face sri rama even भीषास्मात् वातः पवते even all the pancha bhuutabhimani devatas do their duties with the fear of Lord Sri rama's shasanam. such a great God , luckily we have the pleasure of devotion towards Sri rama.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: HTTP://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Sunday, October 17, 2010
anasuuyakaha sri rama doesn't have jealous feeling
अनसूयकः श्रीरामा,no jealous feeling, one will be jealous with another if the other person is more in any aspect qualities and etc., than the before, no one or anything is more than the Lord Srirama so there is no aspect of jealousy feeling, in fact Lord Sri Rama accepts us with whole heart for our small qualities like devotion, humbleness, non jealousy, being good to others etc.,
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: http://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: http://narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
matimaan all the inteligence is controlled by Lord Srirama,mahaamataye namaha
मतिमान् - सर्वेषां मत़यः तस्य अधीनं वर्तते , matimaan is another quality seeked by valimiki rushi , this matimaan word is related to gaayatri's phrase धियोयो नः प्रचोदयात् this tell us that all the intelligence of all the beings and Goddess lakshmi devi is controlled by Lord Srirama as per the gayatri also धी means buddhi it is totally controlled by Lord Sri Rama. whatever inventions and discoveries are there in the world and the person's related to those are controlled by Lord Sri rama, some times subjects or topics which we know them perfectly we forget them later it comes to our memory such experiences prove us that our intelligence is under control by Lord Sri Rama. महामतये नमः
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Friday, October 15, 2010
jita krodhaaya namaha Sri rama
जितक्रोधः Anger is a dosham sri rama is jita krodha, a human gets anger when any thing happens against him or his wish but every thing is in the control of Lord sri rama so there is no option of getting anger, even the negative behavior of all the demons is also in sri rama's control he himself makes them against himself "बाध्य बाधकतां गतः" , but some incidents in ramayana and other puranams we hear Lord Sri rama got anger on samudra deva such incidents prove us that Lord Sri rama got anger but regarding to Lord Sri rama anger or krodha is known as "प्रतीप बुद्धि" that means acting against or bringing great loss to the person who is against to Sri rama. So, Lord Sri rama doesn't have anger but acts against or brings great loss if we are negative to God.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Thursday, October 14, 2010
aatmavan super speacial quality in rama
आदानकर्तृत्वात् आत्मा sarvatantra swatantra no one controls Lord Sri rama infact he controls the whole universe and all the things beings and non beings. Starting from Goddess lakshmi , Lord Brahma Shiva and all other chetanas work as per the prerana of Lord Rama.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
प्रियदर्शन the most beautyfull hansome paramachetana
priya darshana the only most beautifull chetana sri rama.Even animals trees, raakshasaas and all the chetan when look to sri rama he appears to be most hansome chetana in the whole universe, and who does upasana of his beauty they too become beautifull or hansome beacause of this quality the Lord Sri rama is also called as VAMANA.In all qualities no one even Goddess Lakshmi cannot surpass him.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
समर्थः ability of doing any thing
samartha is the another quality, capability of doing any thing in the universe, only Lord Rama have the capacity of doing any thing and every thing अघटित घटना समर्थः.With the mean monkeys sri rama killed ravana, built a bridge called as ramasetu which is still existing at rameshwaram, in the war sri rama killed crores of rakshsas in few seconds, with out any one's help 14000 furious rakshas are killed by rama, with his darshanam he turned a cursed lady to get off from her curse,the vanaras who were killed in the fierce battle were again brought back by sri rama from yama lokam.while going to vaikuntham he took all the bhaktas in the forms of all the beings to moksham along with him.such and many more impossibles are made possible by sri rama.These points are regarding ramavataram there are many more in other incidents of puranams.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Monday, October 11, 2010
विद्वान् श्री रामा vidwan sri ramachandra
there are many types of vidyas in this universe for all the vidyas like sangeetam, yuddha vidya, shaastra vidya etc., all these vidyas are first preached by Lord narayana to lord Brahma later from Brahma deva the vidyas were taught to devatas and rushis, so vidwan समस्तं वेत्ति इति विद्वान् every thing in this universe is known by Lord Sri rama.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Sunday, October 10, 2010
सर्वभूत हितः sarvabhuta hit
The All-mighty srimannarayana does good always to all jivarashis but we misuse his anugraha and do sins for which the god have to punish us to clean us from sins, the material of the whole word is of ALL_MIGHTY all the names and words are of all mighty what ever we ask he won't give all even though he have all the rights and powers but he only gives us those which are very good for our long life even though the things betows on us seems very bad for us but in real sense it will be good for us न राति न तदिच्छति the things which seems good to us but in real sense it is not good such things the ALL-MIGHTY doesn't entertain.so what ever comes in life accept it as God's grace.
नरसिंहाचार्य सुळिभावि
गुंटूर, उत्तरादिमठम्
MOB-9493924608 ; 9490312275 visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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you can see my prashnottara on uttaradimatham's official website uttaradimath.org in the category adhyatma jignyasa
Saturday, October 9, 2010
चारित्रेण को युक्तः chaaritram is another quality in sri rama
चरितं त्रायते तस्मात् चारित्रं chaaritram is that which saves the people related to it in three ways, Lord rama's chaaritram saves three people who are listener, reader and teacher, like the sacred river ganges whose relation results in clensing our sins, the one who tells about it, another who takes sacred dips in ganges and third who listens to the stories of ganges.
so for the question of valmiki चारित्रेण को युक्तः the answer is Lord sri rama.
All the history which we have in schools are not charitram in real sense. so listen, tell and read about Sri rama in different scriptures. जै श्रीराम
MOB-9493924608; 9490312275
visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
दृढ व्रत श्री रामा,drudha vrata sri rama is another quality found by valmiki in Rama
There is no compulsion for sri rama to hold vrata's as we do but still with his swatantrya he himself does sankalpa of drudhavrata, but how can we know sri rama's vratas for which he is strong and steady, the answer is in vedas and puranams they tell us about Lord Sri rama and his bhakta samrakshane, vedokta phala daata and many more. As we know vedas are eternal and most ancient never changes as the time changes so all the vrata's of Lord Rama which are already told in vedas will remain till the infinite time. so,such a drudha vrata in this whole universe is none other than Lord Sri rama searched and found by Valmiki rushi and many other maharshis.
MOB-9493924608; 9490312275
visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com to join my sms channel send sms asspace to mobile number 9870807070
MOB-9493924608; 9490312275
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
सत्यवाक्यः श्री रामः was another quality in ananta qualities
satyavaak - Lord sri rama in all his incarnations never blufed, but we hear few incidents that krishna told yudhishtra to bluf before drona about ashvatthama's death, here definition of satya should be known as यत् सतां हितं अत्यन्तं तत् सत्यं इति प्राहुः sometimes if we speak false and it helps or benefits good humans or sajjanas it is considered as truth only regarding shastra. so if Lord krishna bluffed or forced someone to bluff it is for the benefit of sajjana samudaya. so the only person who never bluffed ans acts according to the right sense of truth is lord Rama later as per the taaratamya lakshmi brahma etc are also considered as satyavaak.
MOB-9493924608; 9490312275
visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com to join my sms channel send sms asspace to mobile number 9870807070
MOB-9493924608; 9490312275
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Monday, October 4, 2010
another quality seeked by valmiki
krutagna- is another quality seeked by valmiki rushi in rama.
धाता यथा पूर्वमकल्पयत् suppose imagine if the all-mighty forgets the do's and don'ts of srushti can he save us in this srushti, absolutely no , luckily the God never forgets what to do and what not to do, so krutagna what he did in his previous srushti he does the same, but this is not possible for lord brahma as he has to be enlightened with the srushti knowledge with the grace of Sri Rama.
MOB-9493924608; 9490312275
visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com to join my sms channel send sms asspace to mobile number 9870807070
धाता यथा पूर्वमकल्पयत् suppose imagine if the all-mighty forgets the do's and don'ts of srushti can he save us in this srushti, absolutely no , luckily the God never forgets what to do and what not to do, so krutagna what he did in his previous srushti he does the same, but this is not possible for lord brahma as he has to be enlightened with the srushti knowledge with the grace of Sri Rama.
MOB-9493924608; 9490312275
visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com to join my sms channel send sms as
Sunday, October 3, 2010
dharmagna seeked by valmiki rushi
jiva is always associated with the good and bad deeds which are known as karma, he should face the consequences for his deeds and the results of the deeds are given by ALL-MIGHTY super being Lord Narayana, if he doesn't know our deeds ( dharmas and adharmas) he would not be able to give us karma phala if it happens we won't be able to have Moksham or materialistic happiness also. so from chaturmukha brahma to the least being should not be bared for getting his karma phala. so infinite beings do karma and have results for the deeds, all the details should be known by the God. even goddess lakshmi knows infinite karmas done by jiva rashis but with the grace of lord narayana same with chaturmukha brahma so the real dharmagna is Lord Sri rama or Narayana. such a super being was needed by Valimiki rushi to write ramayana.
MOB-9493924608; 9490312275
visit my blog: narasimhacharyasulibhavi.blogspot.com to join my sms channel send sms asspace to mobile number 9870807070
MOB-9493924608; 9490312275
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